Album details

It's time to read album's details from the database. Start by adjusting the details in View module:

let details (album : Db.AlbumDetails) = [ h2 album.Title p [ imgSrc album.AlbumArtUrl ] divId "album-details" [ for (caption,t) in ["Genre:",album.Genre;"Artist:",album.Artist;"Price:",formatDec album.Price] -> p [ em caption text t ] ] ]
val details : album:'a -> 'b list

Full name: CDocument.details
val album : 'a

Above snippet requires defining a few more helper functions in View:

let imgSrc src = imgAttr [ "src", src ] let em s = tag "em" [] (text s) let formatDec (d : Decimal) = d.ToString(Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
val imgSrc : src:'a -> 'b

Full name: CDocument.imgSrc
val src : 'a
val em : s:'a -> 'b

Full name: CDocument.em
val s : 'a
val formatDec : d:'a -> 'b

Full name: CDocument.formatDec
val d : 'a
System.Object.ToString() : string

as well as opening the System namespace at the top of the file.

Note: It's a good habit to open the System namespace every single time - in practice it usually turns out to be helpful.

In the details function we used list comprehension syntax with an inline list of tuples (["Genre:",album.Genre;...). This is just to save us some time from typing the p element three times for all those properties. You're welcome to change the implementation so that it doesn't use this shortcut if you like.

The AlbumDetails database view turns out to be handy now, because we can use all the attributes we need in a single step (no explicit joins required).

To read the album's details in App module we can do following:

let details id = match Db.getAlbumDetails id (Db.getContext()) with | Some album -> html (View.details album) | None -> never
val details : id:'a -> 'b

Full name: CDocument.details
val id : 'a
union case Option.Some: Value: 'T -> Option<'T>
val album : obj
union case Option.None: Option<'T>

pathScan Path.Store.details details

A few remarks regarding above snippet:

  • details takes id as parameter and returns WebPart
  • Path.Store.details of type IntPath guarantees type safety
  • Db.getAlbumDetails can return None if no album with given id is found
  • If an album is found, html WebPart with the View.details container is returned
  • If no album is found, None WebPart is returned with help of never.

No pipe operator was used this time, but as an exercise you can think of how you could apply it to the details WebPart.

Before testing the app, add the "placeholder.gif" image asset. You can download it from here. Don't forget to set "Copy To Output Directory", as well as add new file extension to the pathRegex in App module.

You might have noticed, that when you try to access a missing resource (for example entering album details url with arbitrary album id) then no response is sent. In order to fix that, let's add a "Page Not Found" handler to our main choose WebPart as a last resort:

let webPart = choose [ path Path.home >=> html View.home path Path.Store.overview >=> overview path Path.Store.browse >=> browse pathScan Path.Store.details details pathRegex "(.*)\.(css|png|gif)" >=> Files.browseHome html View.notFound ]
val webPart : obj

Full name: CDocument.webPart

the View.notFound can then look like:

let notFound = [ h2 "Page not found" p [ text "Could not find the requested resource" ] p [ text "Back to " aHref Path.home (text "Home") ] ]
val notFound : obj list

Full name: CDocument.notFound

GitHub commit: b9039a2f8faad3dd9ddceb458c64abed86b07e05

Files changed:

  • App.fs (modified)
  • SuaveMusicStore.fsproj (modified)
  • View.fs (modified)
  • placeholder.gif (added)

results matching ""

    No results matching ""