Hello World from Suave

Suave application can be hosted as a standalone Console Application. Let's start by creating a Console Application Project named SuaveMusicStore (to keep all the files in single folder, uncheck the option to create folder for solution). Now we can add NuGet reference to Suave. To do that, in Package Manager Console type: install-package Suave -version 1.0. Alternatively, you can use the NuGet GUI to find and install the Suave package. Rename the Program.fs file to App.fs to better reflect the purpose of the file, and replace its contents completely with the following code:

open Suave.Successful // for OK-result startWebServer defaultConfig (OK "Hello World!")

Guess what, if you press F5 to run the project, your application is now up and running! By default it should be available under http://localhost:8083. If you browse that url, you should be greeted with the classic Hello World!. The open statements at the top of the file are the same as using statements in C#. Note there is no Main method defined in App.fs - what happens here is that the startWebServer function is invoked immediately after the program is run and Suave starts listening for incoming request till the process is killed.

GitHub commit: c5d42dd6e7a4391f718d752f78567b573b32f281

Files changed:

  • .gitignore (added)
  • App.config (added)
  • App.fs (added)
  • AssemblyInfo.fs (added)
  • SuaveMusicStore.fsproj (added)
  • SuaveMusicStore.sln (added)
  • packages.config (added)

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