
Moving to our next WebPart "browse", let's first adjust it in View module:

let browse genre (albums : Db.Album list) = [ h2 (sprintf "Genre: %s" genre) ul [ for a in albums -> li (aHref (sprintf Path.Store.details a.AlbumId) (text a.Title)) ] ]
val browse : genre:'a -> albums:'b -> 'c list

Full name: CDocument.browse
val genre : 'a
val albums : 'b
type 'T list = List<'T>

Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.list<_>
val sprintf : format:Printf.StringFormat<'T> -> 'T

Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.ExtraTopLevelOperators.sprintf

so that it takes two arguments: name of the genre (string) and a list of albums for that genre. For each album we'll display a list item with a direct link to album's details.

Note: Here we used the Path.Store.details of type IntPath in conjunction with sprintf function to format the direct link. Again this gives us safety in regards to static typing.

Now, we can modify the browse WebPart itself:

let browse = request (fun r -> match r.queryParam Path.Store.browseKey with | Choice1Of2 genre -> Db.getContext() |> Db.getAlbumsForGenre genre |> View.browse genre |> html | Choice2Of2 msg -> BAD_REQUEST msg)
val browse : obj

Full name: CDocument.browse
union case Choice.Choice1Of2: 'T1 -> Choice<'T1,'T2>
union case Choice.Choice2Of2: 'T2 -> Choice<'T1,'T2>

Again, usage of pipe operator makes it clear what happens in case the genre is resolved from the query parameter.

Note: in the example above we adopted "partial application", both for Db.getAlbumsForGenre and View.browse. This could be achieved because the return type between the pipes is the last argument for these functions.

If you navigate to "/store/browse?genre=Latin", you may notice there are some characters displayed incorrectly. Let's fix this by setting the "Content-Type" header with correct charset for each HTTP response:

let html container = OK (View.index container) >=> Writers.setMimeType "text/html; charset=utf-8"
val html : container:'a -> obj

Full name: CDocument.html
val container : 'a

GitHub commit: 603d1dc26bac864f73294aff864bec52a2b7b5d4

Files changed:

  • App.fs (modified)
  • View.fs (modified)

results matching ""

    No results matching ""