With styles in place, let's get our hands on extracting a shared layout for all future views to come.
Start by adding container
parameter to index
in View
let index container = html [ head [ title "Suave Music Store" cssLink "/Site.css" ]
Full name: CDocument.index
and div with id "container" just after the div "header":
body [ divId "header" [ h1 (aHref Path.home (text "F# Suave Music Store")) ] divId "container" container
previously was a constant value, but it has now become a function taking container
as parameter.
We can now define the actual container for the "home" page:
let home = [ text "Home" ]
Full name: CDocument.home
For now it will only contain plain "Home" text.
Let's also extract a common function for creating the WebPart, parametrized with the container itself.
Add to App
module, just before the browse
WebPart the following:
let html container = OK (View.index container)
Full name: CDocument.html
Usage for the home page looks like this:
choose [ path Path.home >=> html View.home
Next, containers for each valid route in our application can be defined in View
let home = [ text "Home" ] let store = [ text "Store" ] let browse genre = [ text (sprintf "Genre: %s" genre) ] let details id = [ text (sprintf "Details %d" id) ]
Full name: CDocument.home
Full name:
Full name: CDocument.browse
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.ExtraTopLevelOperators.sprintf
Full name: CDocument.details
Note that both home
and store
are constant values, while browse
and details
are parametrized with genre
and id
can be now reused for all 4 views:
let browse = request (fun r -> match r.queryParam "genre" with | Choice1Of2 genre -> html (View.browse genre) | Choice2Of2 msg -> BAD_REQUEST msg) let webPart = choose [ path Path.home >=> html View.home path Path.Store.overview >=> html path Path.Store.browse >=> browse pathScan Path.Store.details (fun id -> html (View.details id)) pathRegex "(.*)\.(css|png)" >=> Files.browseHome ]
Full name: CDocument.browse
Full name: CDocument.webPart
Full name:
GitHub commit: e8499a0e5f47635b6045a749e3dce32fd8c08c41
Files changed:
- App.fs (modified)
- View.fs (modified)